Wednesday, December 11, 2013

IAS Mains 2013 Optional Subject: HISTORY (Paper-I)

Question 1: Identify the following places marked on the map into question cum answer booklet supplied to you and right about short notes of 30 words on each of them in the space provided in the booklet. 2.5m x 20= 50 marks
i. A paleolithic and Mesolithic site
ii. A Mesolithic site
iii. an important halting place
iv. A pre-Harappan site
v. An important Harappan site
vi. Site of important fossils
vii. A sea port
viii. A paleolithic site
ix. A Neolithic, Megalithic and Chalcolithic site
x. A harappan site
xi. A palaeolithic site
xii. A Neolithic site
xiii. A Chalcolithic site
xiv. A Chalcolithic site
xv. A site of Buddhist Monastery
xvi. Painted Greyware site
xvii. Site related to a famous Indian philosopher
xviii. historical rock cut caves
xix. famous fort
xx. capital of famous kingdom

Q2: 15 + 20 + 15
1. evaluate various views regarding human settlements is gleaned from the Vedic sources
2. discuss the water management and its conservation planning in the harappan (Indus-Saraswati) cities
3. in the absence of a written script, Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyle of the people of those times. Comment critically

Q3: 15 + 20 + 15
1. on the basis of contemporary sources, assess the nature of banking and usuary in ancient India
2. Social norms for women in the Dharmasastra and Arthasashtra tradition where framed in accordance with the Varnashrama tradition. Evaluate critically
3. The verna concept may always have been largely a theoretical model and never an actual description of society. Comment in context of ancient India

Q4: 15 + 15 + 20
1. evaluate the contribution of Puranas in disseminating secular knowledge among the masses in ancient India
2. evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources
3. explain as to how the early Buddhist stupa art, while using motifs and narratives and common cultural symbols, succeeded in transforming these themes for expounding Buddhist ideas

History Paper I: Section B

Question 5: Write short notes in not more than 150 words on each of the following: 10 x 5 =50
1. evaluate the Malfuzat texts sources of media history
2. discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom is gleaned from historical sources
3. Give a catch of Indian trade with Europe during Mughal period
4. analyze the steps taken Razia Sultan by to strengthen our position as an independent ruler despite various obstacles
5. Bhakti and Mysticism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment

Q6: 20 + 15 + 15
1. evaluate the condition industries in India from 1200 to 1500 CE
2. on the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of the Vijaynagar kingdom
3. critically evaluate the educational development during Sultanate period

Q7: 20-15-15
1. on the basis of the accounts of Europeans being outside agrarian crisis during the 17th century India
2. evaluate critically the conditions of labour from 1200 to 1500 CE on the basis of historical sources
3. discuss and evaluate critically various times in the historiography of Bhakti

Q8: 15-20-15
1. analyse how the political processes of state information of Mewar, from 10th to 15th century CE was challenged in the 16th century CE by imperialist policy of Akbar.
2. Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and economy of the 13th century CE with special reference to Gujarat

Photo: HISTORY (Optional Subject) IAS Mains 2013 Paper-I  Question 1: Identify the following places marked on the map into question cum answer booklet supplied to you and right about short notes of 30 words on each of them in the space provided in the booklet. 2.5m x 20= 50 marks i. A paleolithic and Mesolithic site ii. A Mesolithic site iii. an important halting place iv. A pre-Harappan site v. An important Harappan site vi. Site of important fossils vii. A sea port viii. A paleolithic site ix. A Neolithic, Megalithic and Chalcolithic site x. A harappan site xi. A palaeolithic site xii. A Neolithic site xiii. A Chalcolithic site xiv. A Chalcolithic site xv. A site of Buddhist Monastery xvi. Painted Greyware site xvii. Site related to a famous Indian philosopher xviii. historical rock cut caves xix. famous fort xx. capital of famous kingdom Q2: 15 + 20 + 15 1. evaluate various views regarding human settlements is gleaned from the Vedic sources 2. discuss the water management and its conservation planning in the harappan (Indus-Saraswati) cities 3. in the absence of a written script, Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyle of the people of those times. Comment critically Q3: 15 + 20 + 15 1. on the basis of contemporary sources, assess the nature of banking and usuary in ancient India 2. Social norms for women in the Dharmasastra and Arthasashtra tradition where framed in accordance with the Varnashrama tradition. Evaluate critically 3. The verna concept may always have been largely a theoretical model and never an actual description of society. Comment in context of ancient India Q4: 15 + 15 + 20 1. evaluate the contribution of Puranas in disseminating secular knowledge among the masses in ancient India 2. evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources 3. explain as to how the early Buddhist stupa art, while using motifs and narratives and common cultural symbols, succeeded in transforming these themes for expounding Buddhist ideas History Paper I: Section B Question 5: Write short notes in not more than 150 words on each of the following: 10 x 5 =50 1. evaluate the Malfuzat texts sources of media history 2. discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom is gleaned from historical sources 3. Give a catch of Indian trade with Europe during Mughal period 4. analyze the steps taken Razia Sultan by to strengthen our position as an independent ruler despite various obstacles 5. Bhakti and Mysticism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment Q6: 20 + 15 + 15 1. evaluate the condition industries in India from 1200 to 1500 CE 2. on the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of the Vijaynagar kingdom 3. critically evaluate the educational development during Sultanate period Q7: 20-15-15 1. on the basis of the accounts of Europeans being outside agrarian crisis during the 17th century India 2. evaluate critically the conditions of labour from 1200 to 1500 CE on the basis of historical sources 3. discuss and evaluate critically various times in the historiography of Bhakti Q8: 15-20-15 1. analyse how the political processes of state information of Mewar, from 10th to 15th century CE was challenged in the 16th century CE by imperialist policy of Akbar. 2. Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and economy of the 13th century CE with special reference to Gujarat 3. assess the

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